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Disney Infinity Game Shots

Our small team of character modelers pass stuff around once in a while. I modeled the following characters, Fear(IJacobs pose), Anger, Disgust (BBolinder pose), Sadness (MThorup pose).
I also modeled Woody, Rex, McQueen.
The character modelers of the Infinity 5 character team are, BAllen, IJacobs, SOlson, MThorup, and BBolinder. Bam!

Woody, Rex, McQueen, Character Models by BAllen

Woody, Rex, McQueen, Character Models by BAllen

Models by BAllen (see description below)  / Joy by SOlson

Models by BAllen (see description below) / Joy by SOlson

Models by BAllen (see description below) / Joy by SOlson

Models by BAllen (see description below) / Joy by SOlson

Arlo, Spot Character Models by BAllen

Arlo, Spot Character Models by BAllen